Forget Me Not

New collection “Forget me not” - visual language that represents Niki Tina nowadays. It’s a reflection of her feminine nature, it‘s versatility of states, temperament and at the same time strength and weakness. This painting about freedom, lightness, self-sufficiency and confidence that everything is ahead. Painter uses two or three colors, which makes the painting more monochrome and concise and does not distract the viewer from the atmosphere and character of each painting.

Lady Absolute Colorriot. Acrylic on canvas, 96"x96"

Endless Tenderness. Acrylic on canvas, 64"x64"

Lady Absolute Blue
Lady Absolute Blue, acrylic on canvas, 48” x 48”

Sexuality and rebellion and youthfulness. The colors reflect her feminine and masculine principles, which are equally strongly developed in her.

Lady Miracle
Lady Miracle, acrylic on canvas, 36” x 36”

Freedom, lightness, endless confidence that everything is still ahead!

Lady Absolute Orange
Lady Absolute Orange, acrylic on canvas, 36” x 36”

It’s about rebelliousness, but not defiant, destructive, but cheerful, inherent in youth.

Lady Felize
Lady Felize, Acrylic on canvas, 40″x40″

A permanent moment of joy, happiness and love that pervades space.

Lady Moonlight
Lady Moonlight, Acrylic on canvas, 67"x73"

Being the most important female patroness, the Moon bestows subtle intuition, sends inner contentment, peace and acceptance. True female power is the power of the moon. Cool, pacifying, it manifests itself in the ability to smooth, soothe, care, saturate everything around with peace and tranquility.

Alice's mood. Acrylic on canvas, 32"x48"

Challenge stereotypical thinking. Alice does not want to put up with any restrictions, conventions and stereotypes.

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